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Stop Scam Attempts in Their Tracks
The first step in protecting yourself is to be educated about popular scams and scammer tactics. Cornerstone Community Financial is in your corner with these tips to remember and follow to protect your information and your accounts.
Financial Habits for the New Year
At one time or another, we've all made a resolution we didn't stick to. Most New Years' resolutions fail because they don't become habits. Here are few daily, monthly, and yearly financial habits to establish this year to stay on top of your finances all year long.
Avoiding Charity Scams
December is a popular month for charitable giving. Unfortunately, scammers know this too. They exploit this generosity with deceptive tactics. Here are three practical ways to stay safe while making sure your donations go to the right cause.
Personalized Offers - More Than Just Loans
Our Personalized Offers provide access to loans and a variety of products and services, all available to our members through mobile and online banking. Shop your Personalized Offers anytime, anywhere directly from your phone or laptop.
Best Ways to use Zelle
Zelle is a great tool for straightforward, fast, and free money transfers directly between bank accounts. Members can use Zelle for free, right from Cornerstone's mobile banking app! In this blog, we cover the best ways to use Zelle, and tips for sending and receiving money safely.
Fleece & Thank You for CU Kind Day
On Oct. 14, 2024, the Michigan Credit Union League hosted its third annual CU Kind Day. This nationwide day of kindness gives credit unions the opportunity to showcase the credit union difference by volunteering. We partnered with Fleece & Thank you to make 150 fleece blankets.
Snowball vs. Avalanche Debt Payoff
Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month Toy Drives
2024 Scholarship Winners

Jumpstart Your Holiday Savings
July 2024
By beginning your holiday savings in July, you give yourself plenty of time to build a solid financial cushion, making it easier to enjoy the festivities without worrying about the strain on your wallet.
Savvy Summer Money Tips

Keep Your Money Safe: Summer Travel Tips
Before you head off on vacation, here are three things to consider to keep your money safe.

Three easy ways to spring clean your finances.
April 2023
Spring is a perfect time to not only declutter and deep clean your home but to do the same for your finances. We have three easy steps for your to do just that!

Watching out for financial scams.
Scammers are using texting, emails, phone calls and social media to commit fraud. Stay vigilant and keep a look out for these types of scams.